Turnir: Spa Hills 2024

Kategorije PDGA članstvo obavezno PDGA Min. Rating
Dan održavanja 27.07.2024. @ 09:00h
Prijave otvorene od 21.06.2021. (12:33:56) do 27.07.2024. (09:00:00)

Sign up for the Spa Hills tournament, which will be held on Saturday, July 27th, and Sunday, July 28th, 2024.

Open categories are:

 Category Additional InformationLayoutPrizes
   MPO Open White (long) Top 3
   Red Players with PDGA rating up to 900 White (long)  Winner
   FPO Open Women  Blue (short) Top 3
   Green Players with PDGA rating up to 850  Blue (short) Winner
   Purple Players with PDGA rating up to 800  Blue (short) Winner
   Gold Players regardless of rating, playing only 1st and 3rd round of the tournament (will not play 2nd round on Saturday afternoon)  Blue (short) Winner
 Juniors Will be open based on received registrations - register players under Purple division and write us a note about junior status. For categories under 12 years of age, only 1st and 3rd rounds will be played.  Blue (short) Top 3

The number of participants is limited to 90, with the competition being played in up to 18 groups of 5 players each.

The registration fee for categories MPO, FPO, Red, Green, and Gold is 30 €. The fee includes a souvenir for players (tournament-printed disc or tournament-printed shirt), tournament organization, course usage fee, fee to the Croatian Flying Disc Association, and prizes for the top players.
The registration fee for the Purple category is 15 €. The fee includes tournament organization, course usage fee, fee to the Croatian Flying Disc Association, and prizes for the top players.
There is no registration fee for junior categories. The souvenir for players is not included for junior categories, but participants can get it for an additional fee.


Prijavite se za turnir Spa Hills koji će se igrati u u subotu 27.7. i nedjelju 28.7. 2024.

Otvorene kategorije su:

 KategorijaDodatne informacijePostava terenaNagrade
MPO Otvorena Bijela (duža) Top 3
Red Igrači i igračice sa PDGA rejtingom do 900 Bijela (duža) Pobjednik
FPO Otvorena ženska Plava (kraća) Top 3
   Green Igrači i igračice sa PDGA rejtingom do 850 Plava (kraća) Pobjednik
   Purple Igrači i igračice sa PDGA rejtingom do 800 Plava (kraća) Pobjednik
Gold Igrači i igračice neovisno o rejtingu, igraju samo 1. i 3. rundu turnira (u subotu popodne ne igraju 2. rundu) Plava (kraća) Pobjednik
   Juniori Otvorit ćemo prema primljenim registracijama. Sudionika prijavite pod Purple kategoriju pa u napomeni navedite juniorski status. Za kategorije mlađih od 12 godina igra se samo 1. i 3. runda. Plava (kraća) Top 3

Broj sudionika ograničen je na 90, odnosno, natjecanje će se igrati u najviše 18 grupa po 5 igrača.

Iznos kotizacije za kategorije MPO, FPO, Red, Green i Gold iznosi 30 €. Kotizacija uključuje suvenir za igrače (disk sa turnirskim printom ili majicu sa printom turnira), organizaciju turnira, naknadu za korištenje terena, naknadu Hrvatskom Flying disc savezu te nagrade za najbolje igrače.
Iznos kotizacije za kategoriju Purple iznosi 15 €. Kotizacija uključuje organizaciju turnira, naknadu za korištenje terena, naknadu Hrvatskom Flying disc savezu te nagrade za najbolje igrače.
Kotizacija za juniorske kategorije se ne naplaćuje. Suvenir za igrače nije uključen za juniorske kategorije, ali ga sudionici mogu dobiti uz doplatu.

Registrirani igrači

# Zemlja Kat. Ime PDGA Rating Plaćeno
1 HR MPO Aleksandar Aki Vuckovic 62431 921
2 AT GOLD Martin Josef Nittmann 153129 905
3 HR FPO Jelena Gecek 112702 764
4 AT GREEN Markus Scheibl 210839 885
5 HR MPO Matija Razum 228674 816
6 SI RED Andrej Slavic 126203 875
7 HR GREEN Nino Krvavica 128698 840
8 HR FPO Marina Starcic Krvavica 128699 745
9 HR RED Dino Harambasic 238507 871
10 AT RED Klaus List 272994 874
11 SI FPO Mojca Bernjak 126201 N/A
12 SI RED Aleksandr Kajumov 249946 847
13 HR MPO Aleksandar Bato Sudžukovic 81081 932
14 AT MPO Stefan Brunner 151541 905
15 HR PURPLE Zoran Krečar 247323 787
16 AT GREEN Philipp Pawelak 152115 834
17 HR FPO Tina Šimenc 138383 824
18 HR FPO Maja Šimenc 52334 830
19 HR MPO Dinko Šimenc 52313 912
20 AT RED Andreas Trondl 146148 880
21 AT RED Cornelia Hackl 146142 786
22 HR MPO Marin Grbac 172832 903
23 HU MPO Péter Török 81160 944
24 HU PURPLE Gabriella Kosa 258394 761
25 HR RED Antonio Grigić 242179 864
26 AT MPO Gerald Wölbl 93699 936
27 AT RED Frank Kelz 94082 869
28 AT MPO Eric Osterwinter 63413 927
29 AT GREEN Robert Kirkovics 188702 N/A
30 AT GREEN Richard Roth 264948 827
31 HR GREEN Adrian Liber 169962 848
32 HR GREEN Ivan Brajkovic 178985 753
33 SI RED Domen Juhant 271184 851
34 CA GREEN Filip Stanojevi 246230 831
35 AT MPO Niklas Schaffer 138699 982
36 AT MPO Leon Flühr N/A N/A
37 PL MPO Patryk Kies 126233 958
38 AT RED Andreas Karner 222139 869
39 RS PURPLE Miloš Gavrilović 279462 741
40 SI PURPLE Tomo Belčič N/A N/A
41 SI RED Jure Kirbiš 255756 868
42 SI RED Tilen Poljšak 143815 875
43 SI FPO Barbara Poljšak 134661 860
44 SI GREEN Matej Ernecl 181510 830
45 HU RED Botond Bodosi 228168 876
46 AT MPO Markus Rosenblattl 147421 929
47 AT MPO David Kleewein 117667 906
48 AT GREEN Adis Isanovic 194068 836
49 AT FPO Raphaela Narath 181593 843
50 AT MPO Michael Narath 146141 911
51 HR FPO Tomislav Goricki 69640 942
52 HR FPO Ira Molnar Goricki 69639 844
53 SI GREEN Andrej Žiberna 249956 835
54 SI MPO Andrej Kozic 214901 897
55 SI GREEN Nikola Račić N/A N/A
56 AT RED Richard Hazod 171289 877
57 HR FPO Danica Pajtak 62432 831
58 HR RED Tomislav Kačavenda 180388 878
59 AT PURPLE Wolfgang Schwarz 291338 N/A
60 AT MPO Lucian Dutzi 116524 978
61 AT MPO Laura Posch 116926 912
62 SI RED Gregor Žlebnik N/A N/A
63 IE MPO Boris Dolenc 261705 N/A
64 HR PURPLE Tin Kruhak 266915 781
65 HR MPO Anđelko Zrinski 180284 890
66 SI MPO Zack Bevelacqua 105654 960
67 HR RED Petar Mikić 238600 852
68 HR RED Radule Raško Mikic 62426 897
69 AT MPO Otfried Derschmidt 34710 959
70 HR MPO Toni Denona 244781 881
71 HR PURPLE Marko Skok 289652 691
72 HR PURPLE Luka Sporiš 279067 789
73 HR PURPLE Danijel Skok 289658 725
74 SI GREEN Aljoša N/A N/A
75 SI RED Tim Mencigar N/A N/A
76 SI RED Bine Fridrih N/A N/A
77 AT PURPLE Alexander Ruplitsch 291849 N/A
78 AT PURPLE Thomas Jöbstl 291848 N/A
79 SI RED Jernej Gračner 176425 891
80 HR MPO Mario Mesaric 81111 947
81 HR PURPLE Marko Pavlović 271875 754
82 HR PURPLE Ivo Tišljar 291979 N/A
83 HR MPO Marko Marcec 82828 898
84 SI MPO Marijan Krištofic 127596 945